The Schedule for our July 27 Community Meeting

Here’s the basic itinerary for the community meeting that the Westwood Coalition is hosting on Saturday, July 27, 2013 from 9 am – 12 noon at Westwood United Methodist Church:

First, and importantly, we will have water and coffee.  Feel free to bring a snack if you’ll need sustenance besides our dialogue.

Second, yes, it really is three hours long.  Can’t stay that long?  Come for a while.  We will get the most out of the conversation if you stay for the full session, of course.

There will be a short questionnaire and exhibit materials for you upon your arrival.  We’ll start the program with a welcome and outline for the day with Coalition facilitator Mary Jenkins.  Then we’ll have a short presentation by Cameron Ross of the city’s Planning department, about the research done to date and the context for Westwood’s business district revitalization effort. Next, we’ll break up into small, facilitated groups for focused discussion about aspects of the historic business district and its potential.  We’ll end with some closing remarks about the process and date for the next community meeting.  That’s it.  It’s a lot to ask our neighbors to come to a three hour meeting but we expect it to include meaningful information sharing and dialogue.  We thank you for considering attendance.  Bring a friend!

Q & A

What questions do you have about the historic business district and this process and the potential for revitalization? Your questions will help the coalition prepare for the July 27 meeting and beyond. Post your questions in the Comments field below. We’ll get a Q&A section going on this page in the coming week.
“There are always answers. We just have to be smart enough.”
― John Green, Looking for Alaska (Look at that! You just got a summer reading suggestion, too!)